
Whiskered Flying Squirrel (Petinomys genibarbis) at Mount Kinabalu (Sabah, Borneo)

Whiskered Flying Squirrel (Petinomys genibarbis) at Kinabalu Park
Paul Carter, 20 Aug 2016
(Revised 8 Nov 2016 to include reference to a 1965 paper with images)

On 26 May 2016 I was spotlighting alone along Power Station Road in Kinabalu Park (Borneo) and at 8.20 pm I photographed a Whiskered Flying Squirrel (Petinomys genibarbis) very close to the 4 Km post about 500 m before Tympohon Gate. I estimate from Google Earth that it was at an elevation of approximately 1840 m.

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Marbled Cat (Pardofelis marmorata) at Mount Kinabalu (Sabah, Borneo) – a high elevation record

High elevation record of Marbled Cat in Kinabalu Park (Sabah, Borneo)
Paul Carter, 20 Aug 2016
Revised Feb 2017 with a link to Andrew Boyce’s camera-trap record.
A version of this post was published (April 2017) in CAT News Nr 65 Winter 2017.

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Sabah (Borneo) mammal trip – March 2014

On a 23-day trip around Sabah (Borneo), with Jo Dale in March-April 2014, we saw 56 mammals (including 8 primates, 15 squirrels and 10 bats).

Least Pygmy Squirrel
Least Pygmy Squirrel

Jo joined me on Day 5 after I had visited Crocker Range and Poring Hot Springs. Other key sites included Kinabalu NP, Kinabatangan River, Danum Valley and Tabin Wildlife Reserve. My trip report (pdf with photos) is here.


Taman Negara (Malaysia) mammal trip – June 2012

On a  5 day visit with Dave Sargeant to Taman Negara NP (Peninsular Malaysia), in mid-June 2012, we saw 23 mammal species, 125 birds and 3 snakes. We spent 4 nights in the Kuala Tahan area and then 2 nights at Sungai Relau. The mammals seen included Malayan Tapir, Leopard Cat, Sundaic Arboreal Niviventer, Bower’s Berylmys, Grey Tree Rat and 6 squirrel species. Link to trip report pdf including photos:  20120617-TamanNegara(Malaysia)-PaulCarter-TRv2.

Prevost's Squirrel
Prevost’s Squirrel

Birds seen included Large Frogmouth, Barred Eagle-Owl, Jambu Fruit Dove and Garnet Pitta. Dave’s detailed report on the birding is posted on his website